Drupal 7

Integrate AMP with Drupal to rank on Google

The biggest reason you should be integrating AMP pages with Drupal websites is to rank better in google and display content faster on mobile devices. Here is the tutorial to explain how you can implement AMP pages with Drupal with just contributed modules.

Role Delay Module - Automatically assign role to user

There are situations where drupal you want to assign a particular role to a user after he/she has been registered for a period of time. This functionality might be needed for situations where you want a user to get permission to perform a particular task on your site.

Unblock users with Views Bulk Operations (VBO) in Drupal 7

While creating the user's list in views, Views Bulk Operations (VBO) module gives the option to perform 'Block current users' operation but doesn't give any option to perform 'Unblock current user' operation. Here is the code snippet tutorial to add "Unblock users" option in Views Bulk Operations in views.
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